
SCPI Commands

class IpAddress[source]

IpAddress commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 1 group commands

class GetStruct[source]

Response structure. Fields:

  • Index: enums.IpAddressIndex: IP1 | IP2 | IP3

  • Ip_Address: str: No parameter help available

# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:SIGNaling<Instance>:MMONitor:IPADdress
value: GetStruct = driver.configure.mmonitor.ipAddress.get()

Select/get the target IP address for message monitoring (see method RsCmwCdma2kSig.Configure.Mmonitor.enable) . The IP addresses are centrally managed from the ‘Setup’ dialog.


structure: for return value, see the help for GetStruct structure arguments.

set(index: RsCmwCdma2kSig.enums.IpAddressIndex)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:SIGNaling<Instance>:MMONitor:IPADdress
driver.configure.mmonitor.ipAddress.set(index = enums.IpAddressIndex.IP1)

Select/get the target IP address for message monitoring (see method RsCmwCdma2kSig.Configure.Mmonitor.enable) . The IP addresses are centrally managed from the ‘Setup’ dialog.

param index

IP1 | IP2 | IP3